Modesty Survey The Modesty Survey

Thursday, April 2, 2009


We all face disappointments in life. Sometimes our initial response to disappointment is anger or sorrow. If we dwell on what went wrong, we may become bitter or depressed.

I've been teaching our ladies Bible class from the book But How Can I? Improving Your Christian Attitude by Doris Black and Charlotte Mize. The authors recommend that we focus on two aspects of life in order to avoid the emotional fallout from disappointments.

Focus on our Blessings

In 2 Timothy 1:15-18, Paul discusses his disappointment that everyone in the province of Asia deserted him. But then he turns his attention to the one who helped him - Onesiphous. Instead of obsessing over those who abandoned him, Paul focuses on the blessing of Onesiphous' support. When we are faced with disappointments, we should remember our blessings. If it helps, list them on a piece of paper and review them often.

Remember Your Purpose in Life

Paul never lost sight of his purpose in life. We need not forget either. On numerous occasions, Paul faced imprisonment or physical persecution for preaching Christ in public. No doubt, these were disappointing times for Paul. Yet, he remembered his purpose...."I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus." Living for Christ and bringing others into the same relationship with our Savior was Paul's purpose, and he kept-on-keeping-on regardless of the consequences.

The wise man Solomon, inspired by God, tells us that man's whole duty or purpose is to "Fear God and keep His commandments" (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

I was recently disappointed when a job I hoped to cinch didn't pan out. I may still be without a job, but I must remember that my purpose in life is to serve God and teach others -- no matter what my situation may be.

During this time of personal financial and job loss for many, we can find comfort and strength in remembering God's promise to care for those who put Him first, as well as the purpose God has given us that can never be taken away from us!

1 comment:

Clay Callaway said...

GREAT BLOG post!!! It is SO true.. we have to focus in on our blessings!! These are strange days and we need to pray for each other!! Blessings!!